Dear Readers,
Head, hand and heart are the three essentials of a growing mind set. In the prevalent system of
education, the head & hand dominate but the heart is missing. Only by adding heart to our endeavors
of education & development, we can dream of a holistic mind set. Today we live in a world which is very
different from the one in which we grew up. The scenario is changing so fast that we as educators
need to pause & reflect on the present system of education. Are our schools well equipped to prepare
children to face the challenges that the future holds. We believe that the children must be taught "How
to think" & not "What to think".
In fact, education is about learning to ask new questions & participate in collective intellect.
Academic excellence with character & personality development is our ultimate goal. The well chalked
out academic & co-curricular activities enable the students to attain their full potential. The academic work is centered on highly personalized
attention & supervision.
The parents are the most strengthening power in molding the future of the children. Do explain your child that they go to school to learn & NOT to
compete, NOT to criticize, NOT to humiliate. Explain to them that they & their classmates are worth the same. As Education Begins At Home. I deeply
cherish the revered bond we have formed with you over the years. I thank you, parent, in all humility for constantly supporting us in every step we take &
reposing your confidence in us.
For every single achievement of Gyandeep Academy I thank all the staff members & hope for their committed cooperation in future also.
May we continue to give our students strong roots as of Banyan tree & Eagle wings to conquer the world!
Best Wishes for A Great Academic Year.
Dr. (Mrs.) Saroj Singh
Principal , Gyandeep Academy
Kandawa, Chitaipur, Varanasi